Stanford Global Studies Internship Program at LaSER Think Tank

Stanford Global Studies Internship Program has announced an exciting new opportunity at LaSER Think Tank. As part of the program, LaSER will host a Stanford University student for a research internship. The involvement of Stanford students will help strengthen LaSER’s research capacity, provide an international perspective to our projects, and foster closer connections between Latvia […]
LaSER’s latest report highlights the need for public sector reform in Latvia

On December 11, LaSER think tank presented its latest policy report at the State Chancellery’s Innovation Laboratory. Iveta Reinholde and Malvīne Stučka, the authors of the report, concluded that Latvia’s public administration does little to enhance national competitiveness and that the administrative burden is too great. The report recommends reforms such as simplifying public sector […]
LaSER at LAMPA conversation festival

On July 6th, from 15:00 to 16:30, Professor Daunis Auers, Chairman of the Board of LaSER, will lead a discussion at the LAMPA conversation festival on the key measures required to enhance Latvia’s economy to transform Latvia into the “Baltic Tiger”. This year LaSER published the report “Latvia 2040. Four Future Scenarios” which includes a […]
Eurochambres Congress 2024

Agnese Paegle, Board Member of LaSER, and Uldis Spuriņš, Research Director of LaSER, together with the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), attended the 2024 Eurochambres Congress in Antwerp, Belgium. The Eurochambres Congress is the premier forum for chamber representatives across Europe. It brings together representatives from various European trade chambers for knowledge exchange […]
Daunis Auers interviewed about the study “Latvia 2040. Four Future Scenarios”

Daunis Auers, Chair of the Board of LaSER, discusses the findings of the study “Latvia 2040. Four Future Scenarios” in an interview. Read the interview in latvian here.
LaSER Conference

The study “Latvia 2040. Four Future Scenarios” written by Daunis Auers and Uldis Spuriņš was presented at the conference.
Latvia 2040. Four Future Scenarios

Title: Latvia 2040. Four Future Scenarios Type of Publication: Report Authors: Daunis Auers, Uldis Spuriņš The goal of this report is to stimulate strategic thinking about the future of Latvia. Foresight is an important tool in long-term politic planning and formulation with the objective of seeking solutions today for tomorrow’s challenges. During the past decade, […]