LaSER engages in policy oriented research. We look for new, innovative and evidence-based policy ideas that will help the development of Latvia.
Research Team
Daunis Auers, PhD, LaSER Chairman of the Board, Professor at the University of Latvia (LU), Jean Monnet Professor and Director of the LU “Social Sciences” PhD programme.
Studied at the London School of Economics (LSE) and University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom. He was a Fulbright Program researcher at the University of California at Berkeley, USA (2005-2006), Fulbright Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle (2023-2024), and a Baltic-American Freedom Foundation researcher at Wayne State University in Detroit, USA (2014). He is a former President of the US-based Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. At present, he is a member of the National Competitiveness Council formed by the Latvian State President, a member of Riga Stradiņš University’s Advisors’ Convention and an Advisor to the Convention of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He researches and writes about politics, political risks and the economic competitiveness of European countries and the Baltic States.
Uldis Spuriņš, LaSER Research Director.
Studied at Fordham University in the United States, the University of Southern Denmark (Syddansk Universitet) and the University of Latvia. He has worked as an economics lecturer at City University of New York (CUNY) and Fordham University, and as Certus Think Tank’s Lead Researcher. He has written economic studies for various businesses, governmental and non-governmental organisations. He has conducted studies focusing on the ICT, health, pharmaceutical, higher education, manufacturing, construction material production and other sectors of the Latvian economy.
Maija Tiva Hilla, research assistant
Arturs Linde, research assistant
Ivars Kraulis, research assistant
Research Projects
Riga development research project
LaSER Latvia 2040 Report emphasized the crucial role of Riga in the development of Latvia’s economy. The main goal of this research project is to…
Bureaucracy reduction research project
The policy brief will focus on public administration and size of the government in different countries. This will include review of practices for downsizing of…
Baltic cooperation research project
The policy brief will review the experience of cooperation between Nordic countries. It will also outline crucial international challenges that cannot be fully addressed without…