LaSER Latvijas Stratēģijas un Ekonomikas Risinājumu Institūts

Title: Survey of Latvia’s inhabitants regarding the division of responsibility between individuals and the state

Author: Uldis Spuriņš
Source: : Representative survey of the Latvia’s inhabitants (n = 1005), field work conducted by SKDS in March 2024.

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In preparing the report on Future scenarios for Latvia, we conducted a national survey to ascertain public opinion regarding the division of responsibilities in overall general government functional categories, which are used in budget planning. Respondents had to evaluate opposing assertions and, using a ten point scale, indicate which assertion they agreed or disagreed with more or less. Of the general government functions assessed, those surveyed envisage the greatest state responsibility in the realms of social security, as well as public order and military defence. However, in providing for education, health care, as well as a pension system and inhabitants’ old age, more than 60% of respondents expect the state to undertake greater responsibility, not each individual member of the public.

Assessments by Latvia’s inhabitants regarding the division of responsibility between individuals and the state

The question used in the survey was formulated as follows: “Opposing assertions regarding various issues are collated in the following table. Which assertions do you agree more with? Please read the assertions and evaluate your views in these categories.”

Everyone must look after their own health or the state must undertake greater responsibility and ensure that all receive health care

Everyone must take care of their own education and that of their children or the state must take greater responsibility and provide public education

Everyone must take responsibility for their pension and old age or the state must take greater responsibility and provide for a pension system and people’s old age

Everyone must take responsibility for their own security or the state must take greater responsibility and ensure public order and military defence

Everyone must cope with various social risks (disability, loss of a provider, social marginalisation, etc.) or the state must take greater responsibility and provide social security

LaSER Latvijas Stratēģijas un Ekonomikas Risinājumu Institūts