LaSER Latvijas Stratēģijas un Ekonomikas Risinājumu Institūts

Stanford Global Studies Internship Program has announced an exciting new opportunity at LaSER Think Tank. As part of the program, LaSER will host a Stanford University student for a research internship. The involvement of Stanford students will help strengthen LaSER’s research capacity, provide an international perspective to our projects, and foster closer connections between Latvia and global academic and professional networks. By hosting Stanford interns, LaSER not only gains valuable contributions to its work but also reinforces its commitment to developing solutions that align Latvia’s strategic goals with broader international trends.

In 2025, Stanford ranked 6th in the world in global university rankings but holds the 1st position globally in the field of social sciences and the 2nd position globally in economics and business studies.

More information about the internship program can be found here.

LaSER Latvijas Stratēģijas un Ekonomikas Risinājumu Institūts